On s’amusait donc de la candeur et de la naïveté d’un tel questionnement, ainsi que de la nature des correspondances bien inutiles que cet homme établissait entre les êtres, les mots et les choses. De la fabrique des chanfreins, à celle des dentelles les plus fines, de la connaissance du calendrier lunaire, à la pratique du bouzkashi, de l’usage de la clepsydre à celui du koto, pas un aspect de ce foisonnement ne semblait échapper à sa collecte.
EN: number
FR: nombre
ZH: 数目 (shùmù)
JA: 番号 (bangō)
IT: numero
DE: Anzahl
ES: número
RU: но́мер (nómer)
EO: nombro
- count
- add
- division
- multiply
- subtract
- cycle
- different
- element
- all
- each
- several, some, a few
- standard
- together
- equal
- figure
- increase
- decrease
- part
- whole
- positive - negative
- negative
- positive
- same
- series
- with
- have
- ten
- hundred
- thousand
- eleven
- twelve
- thirteen
- fourteen
- fifteen
- sixteen
- twenty
- thirty
- forty
- fifty
- sixty
- seventy
- eighty
- ninety
- about
- about (2)
- also
- except
- first
- eigth
- fifth
- fourth
- ninth
- second (2)
- sixth
- third (2)
- how much
- mathematics
- mathematician
- numerous
“Admittedly, this is a dream, but let’s believe that it will soon spread across the surface of the world…” “A dream? What dream are you talking about?” exclaimed the God of war, at the height of his incomprehension. But the visitor’s silhouette was already melting away on the way back…
WIVIWIC:“I also say that from now on I’ll have to travel the world, so that one day soon, it will appear that everything is nothing but correspondences, relationships of form and meaning. Finally, I say to you in particular, God of war, that this is the promise of an ultimate battle. A battle that Man will no longer wage against others, but for himself.
WIVIWIC:However, coming out of a momentary intoxication, the God of war flew into an impressive rage: “Are you telling us, stranger, that we gods have used this mysterious thread for vile purposes? Are you saying that we gods didn’t know what the asjinc horn was, and that we’d finally come to know it thanks to you and your childish manipulations?”
WIVIWIC:During his last days, as busy as he had ever been, the visitor had linked all the City’s knowledge into a vast network of secret correspondences. Users of the optical keys could now venture into this network without the risk of getting lost, and their feelings of surprise and wonder suddenly seemed to subside.
WIVIWIC:All agreed on the wisdom of this statement, and the assembly was one in its awareness. Congratulations were already in the air, always lavish when welcoming a new member. The visitor continued, however: “Such an honor makes it all the more difficult for me to tell you how impossible it is for me to accept such a gift.”
WIVIWIC:Among them was the God of war, all haloed by his victory over common sense, for man had once again proved his lightness, preferring the game of feelings to immortality! The visitor addressed him first. “God of war, could you tell us the nature of the ‘asjinc horn’?” asked the visitor abruptly.
WIVIWIC:The question was somewhat puzzling, and the god found it rather mocking and inappropriate. After all, nobody knew what the “asjinc” horn was, and he himself didn’t know what it sounded like, looked like, or what metal it was! At this point, the visitor took out a set of optical keys, similar to those used to reveal the presence of the love thread.
WIVIWIC:Everywhere else radiated a common satisfaction, made up of understanding and tacit acquiescence. The man took his turn to speak: “I, divine council, am deeply honored by such a majestic gift. If I am to believe the records consulted, we could count on the fingers of one hand those among my fellow men who have had access to such an honor.”