Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…

paint leg pluralS on snake

EN: Draw legs on a snake.
FR: dessiner un serpent et lui ajouter des pattes.
ZH: 画蛇添足。 (Huàshétiānzú.)
EO: desegnu serpenton kaj aldonu krurojn al ĝi.

[ZH] – A chengyu. Meaning « gild the lily » ([FR]: « le mieux est l’ennemi du bien ».) / Refers to a group of friends having a contest in which they had to paint a snake as quickly as possible. The one who finished first, thought he had time to add legs to his snake. What he did. But finally he was disqualified because he had not drawn the right animal.