Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…

do thing bad alot andS say be innocent

EN: Doing so many bad deeds someone is pretending to be innocent.
FR: Tout en commettant autant de mauvaises actions, quelqu'un se fait passer pour un innocent.
HI: नौ सौ चूहे खाके बिल्ली हज को चली (Nau sau chuhe kha ke billi haj ko chali)
EO: Farante tiom da malbonaj agoj, iu ŝajnigas sin senkulpa.

[HI] – Litt. « After eating 900 rats, the cat left to make the hajj. » – Meaning « Commit sins on weekdays and go to temple/church on Sundays ».