Everywhere else radiated a common satisfaction, made up of understanding and tacit acquiescence. The man took his turn to speak: “I, divine council, am deeply honored by such a majestic gift. If I am to believe the records consulted, we could count on the fingers of one hand those among my fellow men who have had access to such an honor.”
EN: dimension
FR: dimension
ZH: 大小,尺寸 (dàxiǎo, chǐcùn)
JA: 次元,大きさ (jigen,ōki-sa)
IT: dimensione
DE: Dimension
ES: dimensión
RU: разме́рность (razmérnost')
EO: dimensio
large, great
large,great (2)
small (2)
“This is… unexpected, replied the head of the council, barely masking his amusement. But so be it. The god of passions will therefore give you a few lengths of this thread, which we encourage you to use sparingly…” Thus surrounded by laughter and congratulations, the visitor was invited to follow a page who promptly led him into the love-thread factory.
WIVIWIC:Spread out in a wide arc, they begged their guest to allow himself to be welcomed into their friendly arms. Many of these high dignitaries, who knew the history of both worlds and of the many souls who had populated them, were indeed saddened by the prospect of this departure.
WIVIWIC:He therefore decided to let this guest continue his senseless quest, since he had come such a long way to conduct it. He did, however, point out that a predecessor of his had sinned yesterday by seizing a fire which had led to him being chained to the Caucasus mountains. If it was human destiny to repeat that mistake, then so be it.
WIVIWIC:Alas, everyone knew that a Man’s time was short, and that he would soon have to leave if he wished to rest among his own kind. The head of the council, draped in his prestige, opened the meeting: “Visitor, you are indeed a man. Yet during your stay, we have had nothing but praise for your presence.
WIVIWIC:From the highest point of his observatory, the man contemplated the City for many days and nights. While the most exquisite sweets and attentions drowned him in their intoxicating presence, he seemed lost in a dream whose secret no one hastened to steal. Then he came out of it with those inexplicable changes of which the human race here was known to be capable.
WIVIWIC:Leaving this haven of peace, the man began to explore the grounds. The alleys were five times wider than in the most majestic city he had ever visited. The residences vied with each other in marvels. A scent of myrrh, mingled with jasmine, disturbed his every step.
WIVIWIC:« Voilà qui est… inattendu, répliqua le chef du conseil masquant mal son amusement. Mais qu’il en soit ainsi. Le dieu des passions te remettra donc visiteur quelques longueurs de ce fil dont nous t’encourageons tout de même à faire un usage parcimonieux … » Ainsi entouré des rires et des félicitations, le visiteur fut invité à suivre un page qui le conduisit sans délai dans la fabrique du fil d’amour.
WIVIWIC:Partout ailleurs rayonnait une satisfaction commune, faite d’entendement et de tacite acquiescement. L’homme prit à son tour la parole : « Je suis, divin conseil, honoré au plus haut point d’un présent si majestueux. Nous pourrions si j’en crois les registres consultés, compter sur les doigts d’une seule main ceux qui parmi mes semblables eurent accès à un tel honneur. »
WIVIWIC:Déployés en un vaste arc de cercle, ils prièrent leur invité de se laisser accueillir en leurs bras amicaux. Nombre parmi ces hauts dignitaires, qui connaissaient l’histoire des deux mondes, et celles des nombreuses âmes qui les avaient peuplés, étaient en effet peinés à l’idée de ce départ.