Although the gods had long ago paid it some attention, its use had been abandoned in favor of other practices. The visitor was therefore given several cubits of this mysterious thread, as well as a number of optical keys enabling him to locate it.
EN: instrument
FR: instrument
ZH: 仪器 (yíqì)
JA: 道具 (dougu)
IT: strumento
DE: Instrument
ES: instrumento
RU: инструмент (instrument)
EO: instrumento
The impatience of those around him, however, overcame his adversity. Handling the keys with some embarrassment, the god suddenly saw strange shapes and tangled meanings. Their assembly spoke a language of which he was previously unaware, yet which he could easily hear.
WIVIWIC:Everyone was amused by the candor and naivety of such questioning, as well as by the nature of the useless correspondences this man was establishing between beings, words and things. From the manufacture of chamfers to that of the finest lace, from knowledge of the lunar calendar to the practice of the bouzkashi, from the use of the clepsydra to that of the koto, not one aspect of this abundance seemed to escape his collection.
WIVIWIC:Si les dieux voilà longtemps y avaient accordé une certaine attention, son emploi avait été cependant délaissé pour d’autres pratiques. Le visiteur se vit donc remettre plusieurs coudées de ce fil mystérieux, ainsi qu’une certaine quantité de clés optiques permettant de le localiser.
WIVIWIC:L’impatience de son entourage eut pourtant raison de son adversité. Manipulant alors les clés avec un certain embarras, le dieu vit soudain apparaître des formes étranges et des significations enchevêtrées. Leur assemblée tenait un langage dont il méconnaissait jusqu’ici l’existence et qu’il pouvait cependant aisément entendre.
WIVIWIC:On s’amusait donc de la candeur et de la naïveté d’un tel questionnement, ainsi que de la nature des correspondances bien inutiles que cet homme établissait entre les êtres, les mots et les choses. De la fabrique des chanfreins, à celle des dentelles les plus fines, de la connaissance du calendrier lunaire, à la pratique du bouzkashi, de l’usage de la clepsydre à celle du koto, pas un aspect de ce foisonnement ne semblait échapper à sa collecte.
EN: A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
FR: Un mauvais ouvrier se dispute avec ses outils.
HI: नाच न जाने आँगन टेढ़ा (Naach na jaane aangan tedha.))
EO: Malbona laboristo kverelas kun siaj iloj.
[HI] – When one doesn’t know the work and gives a thousand reason for not doing it – Meaning « If someone performs a job or task badly, they will usually blame on the quality of their equipment, rather than taking responsibility for their own failure.