Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…
A new way of re-presenting
Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…
EN: No.
FR: Non.
ZH: 不是 (Bùshì)
JA: いいえ (Ie.)
IT: No, no, no.
DE: Nein.
ES: No.
HY: Ոչ (Votch)
KO: ()
EO: Ne.
EN: One hair from nine oxen.
FR: 9 vaches, un poil.
ZH: 九牛一毛。 (Jiǔ niú yī máo.)
EO: 9 bovinoj, unu hararo.
EN: On second thoughts
EN: Maybe.
FR: Peut-être.
ZH: 也许是吧 (Yěxǔ shì ba)
JA: 多分。 (Tabun.)
IT: Forse.
DE: Vielleicht doch.
ES: Tal vez.
EO: Eble.
EN: No problem.
FR: Pas de problème.
ZH: 没问题。 (Méi wèntí.)
JA: 問題ない。/ 問題ありません。 (Mondainai. / Mondai arimasen.)
IT: Non c'è problema.
DE: Kein Problem.
ES: No hay problema.
EO: Nedankinde.
EN: My grandfather is very old.
FR: Mon grand-père est très vieux.
ZH: 我的祖父已经很老了。 (Wǒ de zǔfù yǐjīng hěn lǎole.)
JA: 私の祖父はとても高齢です。 (Watashi no sofu wa totemo kōreidesu.)
EO: Mia avo estas tre maljuna.