Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…
A new way of re-presenting
Let’s take the time to invite languages of the world to share sentences, locutions, proverbs or sayings, and see how far we can navigate through this wealth and the dialogue it favours…
EN: A tree would die because of moving,but people would not.
FR: Un arbre meurt s'il bouge, mais pas les gens.
ZH: 树挪死,人挪活。 (Rén nuó huó shù nuó sǐ.)
EO: Arbo mortas se ĝi moviĝas, sed ne homoj.
[ZH] – A chengyu. Meaning that people are adaptable.
EN: A knife is missing.
FR: Il manque un couteau.
ZH: 一把刀不见了。 (Yī bǎ dāo bùjiànle.)
JA: ナイフが足りません。 (Naifu ga tarimasen.)
EO: Tranĉilo mankas.
EN: A pleasure to meet your parents.
FR: Un plaisir de rencontrer tes parents.
ZH: 很高兴见到你的父母。 (Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ de fùmǔ.)
JA: ご両親にお会いできて光栄です。 (Goryōshin ni o ai dekite kōeidesu.)
EO: Agrable renkonti viajn gepatrojn.
EN: A century is one hundred years.
FR: Un siècle dure cent ans.
ZH: 一个世纪就是一百年。 (Yīgè shìjì jiùshì yībǎi nián.)
JA: 1世紀は100年です。 (1 Seiki wa 100-nendesu.)
IT: Un secolo è cento anni.
DE: Ein Jahrhundert hat hundert Jahre.
ES: Un siglo es cien años.
EO: Jarcento daŭras cent jarojn.
EN: A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
FR: Un mauvais ouvrier se dispute avec ses outils.
HI: नाच न जाने आँगन टेढ़ा (Naach na jaane aangan tedha.)
EO: Malbona laboristo kverelas kun siaj iloj.
[HI] – When one doesn’t know the work and gives a thousand reason for not doing it – Meaning « If someone performs a job or task badly, they will usually blame on the quality of their equipment, rather than taking responsibility for their own failure.
EN: A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow.
FR: Un oiseau effrayé par le simple bruit de l'arc.
ZH: 惊弓之鸟。 (Jīng gōng zhī niǎo.)
EO: Birdo timigita de la nura sono de la arko.