EN: accuse
FR: accuser
ZH: 起诉 (qǐsù)
JA: 追及する (tsuikyū suru)
IT: accusare
DE: beschuldigen
ES: acusar
RU: вини́ть (vinít')
EO: akuzi




cover ear pluralS your when3 steal bell

EN: Plug one's ears while stealing a bell.
FR: Se couvrir les oreilles et voler la cloche.
ZH: 掩耳盗铃。 (Yǎn’ěr-dàolíng.)
EO: Kovru viajn orelojn kaj ŝtelu la sonorilon.

[ZH] – A chengyu. Refers to the story of a thief who thought that a large bell was too heavy and had to be broken to bits if he wanted to get it back home. Finding a sledgehammer, he swung at the bell with all his might and, of course, a huge gong rang out. He eventually covered his ears not to listen at this sound anymore. And was quite satisfied with this, until people came in great numbers… / Meaning « burying one’s head in the sand ». ([FR]: se tromper soi-même, se mentir à soi-même)


do thing bad alot andS say be innocent

EN: Doing so many bad deeds someone is pretending to be innocent.
FR: Tout en commettant autant de mauvaises actions, quelqu'un se fait passer pour un innocent.
HI: नौ सौ चूहे खाके बिल्ली हज को चली (Nau sau chuhe kha ke billi haj ko chali)
EO: Farante tiom da malbonaj agoj, iu ŝajnigas sin senkulpa.

[HI] – Litt. « After eating 900 rats, the cat left to make the hajj. » – Meaning « Commit sins on weekdays and go to temple/church on Sundays ».


worker without faculty accuse tool hisher

EN: A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
FR: Un mauvais ouvrier se dispute avec ses outils.
HI: नाच न जाने आँगन टेढ़ा (Naach na jaane aangan tedha.))
EO: Malbona laboristo kverelas kun siaj iloj.

[HI] – When one doesn’t know the work and gives a thousand reason for not doing it – Meaning « If someone performs a job or task badly, they will usually blame on the quality of their equipment, rather than taking responsibility for their own failure.