Armed with this precious object, the man devoted his last hours in the City to an unusual eagerness and redoubled activity. For there was not a person, not a place, not a plant, not an animal, previously visited, that he did not come to greet. Occasionally checking on a detail, scrupulously noting various clues to which he attached astonishing importance.
EN: human
FR: homme
ZH: 人 (rén)
JA: 人 (hito)
IT: uomo
DE: Mensch
ES: hombre
RU: челове́к (chelovék)
EO: vira
- group
- humanity
- humankind
- man
- boy
- other (2)
- people
- ethnicgroup
- population
- self
- he
- I,me
- oneself
- she
- they
- we
- you
- you (2)
- who
- woman
- girl
- sacrifice
- cooker
- geographer
- location
- african (2)
- american (2)
- Asian
- European (2)
- transport
- transport (2)
- traveler
- danger (AI) (3)
- danger (AI) (5)
- game (3)
- member (family)
- spouse
- consent (2)
- bless
- buddha
- shamanism
- dialogue
- document (AI) (2)
- document (human)
- journalist
- storyteller
- text (3)
- text (AI) (2)
- desire
- friendship
- lover
- violence
- warm
- classifier
- intention (2) (AI)
- mutual aid
- solidarity
- violence (2)
- researcher
- catch (2)
- elite
- guard
- human rights
- politician
- propertyright (2)
- representative
- desert (2)
- warrior
- heir
- poorperson
- around (2)
- join (2)
- band, orchestra
- movie director
- dancer
- musician
- painter
- poet
- scene
- sculptor
- theatre actor
- writer
Nanti de ce précieux objet, l’homme consacra alors ses dernières heures dans la Cité, à un empressement inhabituel, une activité redoublée. Car il n’était pas une personne, pas un lieu, pas une plante, pas un animal, précédemment visités, qu’il ne vint saluer. S’assurant parfois d’un détail, notant scrupuleusement divers indices auxquels il accordait une étonnante importance.
WIVIWIC:“I say, God of war, interrupted the visitor, that I thank this City for teaching me so much. I say, my friends, that Men are not yet ready to use this thread for a love they don’t all want to hear. But there may be an intermediate step that will enable them to do so, because you are allowing us to think about it today.”
WIVIWIC:“Admittedly, this is a dream, but let’s believe that it will soon spread across the surface of the world…” “A dream? What dream are you talking about?” exclaimed the God of war, at the height of his incomprehension. But the visitor’s silhouette was already melting away on the way back…
WIVIWIC:Had it not been for the serenity of the head of the council, this audience would no doubt have broken up in the noise and bustle. Nevertheless, he obtained immediate silence: “So be it!” he began, not without exceptional gravity, “you find yourself ‘unable’ to receive immortality, and the reasons for this prohibition are your own…
WIVIWIC:This is why, after deliberation by the council, and with the unanimous agreement of its members, we have decided to offer you immortality and thus keep you among us.” At these words, only the warrior clan, although previously involved in the decision, expressed real discontent.
WIVIWIC:… However, visitor, by virtue of the friendship you cannot reject a second time, and by the powers vested in me, I expect you to tell us what present you wish to take with you.” This overture seemed excessive to many members of the audience, but the visitor hardly gave them time to think about it, for his answer was clear-cut and unambiguous:
WIVIWIC:Alas, everyone knew that a Man’s time was short, and that he would soon have to leave if he wished to rest among his own kind. The head of the council, draped in his prestige, opened the meeting: “Visitor, you are indeed a man. Yet during your stay, we have had nothing but praise for your presence.
WIVIWIC:He therefore decided to let this guest continue his senseless quest, since he had come such a long way to conduct it. He did, however, point out that a predecessor of his had sinned yesterday by seizing a fire which had led to him being chained to the Caucasus mountains. If it was human destiny to repeat that mistake, then so be it.